Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion Board 6: Preparing and Responding to Terrorist Attacks

Discussion Board 6: Preparing and Responding to Terrorist Attacks

Q Based on your readings thus far from the text and your own research, using the National Response Framework as your guide, how would you prepare your community for a potential terrorist attack? What safety and security concerns would you have during and after a terrorist attack on your community? Put another way, what would be your priorities?

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There should be a suitable preparation of community for a potential terrorist attack as taking preparatory actions for possible terrorist attacks can reassure that there can be control even during the terrorist attacks (Reniers & Audenaert, 2014). I would like to prepare my community by creating an emergency communication plan, establish a meeting place, assembling an emergency preparedness kit, and checking on the school emergency plan of any school-age children that the community has.